Mirage | Noun | /məˈräZH/ An optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a Sheet of water in a desert or a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air

Our brand concocts pieces using old clothing with a past, whether it be from a thrift store or donated goods that no longer have a purpose in their original state.

The optical illusion is that these clothes have no future, this is a mirage.

We also use quality, sustainable and natural fabrics to create new pieces starting their journey. These creations are meant to be pieces worn by individuals with dreams and hopes, where they can feel confident to pursue those endeavors.

Hope can only go so far as the actions those individuals take. Our hope is to create more love in this world. The first step is to keep our world heathy and reduce waste by using discarded and unwanted clothes and creating new life for those fabrics. The second, is to care for each other as human beings, by taking action to help one another. Purchases from our brand go towards helping the current events taking place across the world. We also employ individuals with talents that have been unseen by the world and need the chance to get away from their current situations and become the individuals they were meant to be.

When you have bought a piece from our brand, and its journey with you is done, you can bring back your preloved piece to be sold again, to be created into something new, or we will donate it on your behalf.

Our hope for you - you make your beautiful difference on this earth.


